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Showing posts from May, 2014

Motivational Speeches

When i t come s t o keepin g thing s up t o pa r and keeping everybody i n the same page and motivated, speeches are among the things that do the job. O the histor y o f th e world , ther e hav e bee n hundred s o r eve n more memorabl e motivationa l speeche s given . Motivationa l speeche s ar e given before and during halftime of an important basketball game, before a squad of tired soldiers is led to battle, or in front of a graduating class. Whatever the occasion, speeches help motivate if they are given the right way and you say the right things.   Here are some of the best speeches ever given with the goal of motivating those fortunate enough to hear them:   Steve Jobs’ Stanford University Commencement Address   The man behind Apple, the late Steve Jobs, shared a piece of his brilliant min d wit h th e 200 5 graduatin g clas s o f Stanfor d University . Suffic e to say, his words have been immortalized after going viral immedia